Friday, March 27, 2009

Rummage Sale Saturday April 25, 2009 7am

Save the date Saturday April 25 at 7am One Day Only!


Hi All!

So after tons of phone calls and not being able to find a location that was willing to let us use their parking lot due to liability and other things to set up our Rummage sale, I asked my parents if we could hold it at their house. I should have done that first, but now we have a location and we can make some cash! I have been collecting unwanted items from friends and family for a month now and have tons of stuff! I hope all of you are still setting things aside to insure we will have a ton to sell and in return be able to put all that money towards a great night for all of us. Please email me if you need any items picked up or you would like to drop them off to me. Anyone willing to help the day of, that would be much appreciated. I'm excited and hoping for a great turn out. I'll be putting an add in the penny saver as well as a few local online websites, Public service announcements on a few of our local radio stations and possibly a story tie- in on the local news. The more stuff the better so please let me know if you need anything picked up, dropped off or if you'd like to help the morning of!

Rummage Sale to be held at: 68926 Tortuga Road, Cathedral City CA 92234


c/o 99 committee